2021 forged irons TM P-790, Callaway Apex pro, Ping i59 review/鍛造鐵桿大車拼~上集
另外桿身的回饋會比較慢,擊球釋放後才慢慢又感覺到桿身的回饋。只能說這類桿身不會給你很敏銳的回饋,同時對於下桿和釋放都無法和after market桿身的性能和回饋相比較。所以還是有空間可以去升級。
再說到測試的數據,擊球起發角度在 26~29度範圍, 桿頭速度在 75mph+-2, 倒旋量在 6000~65000rpm, 飛行距離在 130~142 碼, 滾動距離在 8~12 碼. 整體距離是145 碼 +-5 碼. 我自己的目前7鐵配碳纖維桿身是在155碼距離,所以這樣來說是可以接受的範圍,如果升級桿身和調整規格,可以達到我目前的距離需求。在性能表現上是沒有問題!
接下來測試Apex Pro。它的桿頭設計就是給人非常典型刀背設計的風格,由上看下去,刀背上緣的薄,就是告訴你它不是一般簡單的鐵桿。桿頭也小小,和790就是不同等級的鐵桿。打起來它的回饋是最軟。從以前的x forged我就很喜歡它的鍛造回饋。很像日系鍛造鐵桿的軟軟擊球。這款應該是我這幾年下來測試的大品牌鍛造鐵桿回饋最好的一款。
當然非甜蜜點的擊球就比較硬,這是鍛造鐵桿的通病。也是你要進階到刀背桿需要提升你的動作穩定性才能駕馭這樣的產品。所以它的容錯就不是太好。但對於距離效果來說,也不會太差。以下就是它的數據, 起發角在27 to 30度範圍, 倒旋量在 6500~7200rpm, 飛行距離在 130碼, 滾動距離8 to 10碼. 整體距離是 140 碼。
2021 forged irons TM P-790, Callaway Apex pro, Ping i59 review/鍛造鐵桿大車拼~下集
The off sweet spot is hard that is typical forged style. If you don't strike on the right spot, the feedback tells you all. That's why a forged blade is good to work on your swing accuracy. It doesn't give you too much forgiveness. With the data I get from 790 it's launch angle is 26~29 degrees, head speed 75mph, spin rate is over 6000~65000rpm, carry distance is 130~142 yard, rolling is about 8~12 yards. The total distance for 790 is 145 yards +-5 yards.
Compared to my current 7i, it is short by 5 yards since I am using the Fujikura MCI 95 S flex shaft that helps to gain more distance. Of course, if 790 upgrades to good graphite shafts will gain 10 yards distance without difficulty. 790 is not just for controlling and workability but the distance is outstanding compared with other forged irons.
Then it's Apex pro! It's small head and topline thin design. Very typical blade forged style from the top to look down the iron. The sweet spot of apex pro is very soft and I would say it's similar to Japan forged luxury iron feedback. Since Callaway x forged has good feedback in the past and the new apex pro inherited this advantage. If you look for a soft forged feel, this one should be the best feel I have tried recently.
The launch angle is a little bit higher than 790 it's 27 to 30 degrees, spin rate is 6500~7200rpm range, the carry distance is 130yards and the rolling is about 8 to 10 yards. The total distance is 140 yards. However, the misshot makes your distance 15- 20 yards short. Of course, it's forged blade style so the distance is not the first priority but I am not able to strike accurately on every shot so the forgivingness and distance are very important for me.
The off sweet spot is not as hard as 790, that's forged iron's advantage and easier to work your various ball shots. If you do not mind to lose some distance with the off sweet spot, apex pro is a good one to choose. If your swing is not consistent and solid, it's better to consider other irons since good swing is fundamental for these forged products to enjoy the benefits from forged irons.
2021 forged irons TM P-790, Callaway Apex pro, Ping i59 review~Part II