今天打firewheel/風火輪球場的Bridges course,firewheel裡有三個不同球場,分別是Bridges, lakes,old。和朋友聊天時,建議可以打Bridges球場。而光Bridges球場就有27洞,3個9洞設計,分別是tradition,Champion,Master。所以這個球場是非常大,也要走個幾次才能打過這些不同的9洞。我的目標就是要打過北德州的所有球場。要一步一步來達成。
這個球場公園在我住的Plano區的東邊位置,開車需要30分鐘左右。選這邊是因為東邊的車流比較少,這樣打完球開回去會比較輕鬆點。前幾次打Cayote和Frisco Lake都在西邊,開的很累,車多又延著高速開,很耗體力。所以我喜歡東邊的區塊,住宅區比較多,路上車也少。我訂1點開球時間,12點出門到球場12:30,就去果嶺稍微推一下球,調整心態和熱身。
Bridges course, Firewheel golf park/風火輪球場!~下集
This time I play Firewheel golf park's Bridge course. There are three golf courses in firewheel park, bridges, lakes and old. It's big golf course park. My friend suggests me to play bridge first since it's more challenging and long. There are three 9 holes in bridge course, it's tradition, champion and master. I think it takes times to accomplish all the courses for firewheel.
It's taking about 30 minutes driving from Plano, I prefer to play east side golf courses from Plano since the traffic is not as bad as west area. Since I was playing Cayote and Frisco lake golf courses in west side, it's taking similar driving time but hard to drive with many cars and traffic. The firewheel is more likely in forest and living area so it's easy to find and drive. That's the plus for playing this course.
My tee time is 1pm, and arrives on 12:30 then pick up the cart key. Before tee shot, I used to go to practice putting green to get myself ready to play. I like to play during the weekday since there are not many people to play and I have the good time to enjoy the whole afternoon. The first 2 or 3 holes are the warming time for my swing.
I do not go to driving range to get my swing ready, that's why the first 2 holes are the time for me to get my swing warmup. I have 2 friends to play with me and we start from Champion then Master is the back 9. These two are tough and I play gold tee with 7000 yards total distance, it's good to have such challenge.
The difficulties are the bunkers and trees all around the fairway and green. The green is not big so once you land the green, I can make it 2 putts to finish. I would suggest to make the shot longer since the green always has the bunkers or water, if you make it short, you get damaged. Moreover, there are winds to make your distance short. That's why I play bigger distance for my shot.
Bridges course, Firewheel golf park!~Part II