彈道必須要有高,才能產生最好距離/Trajectory is key for distance!~上集
高彈道的好處就是可以避開一些障礙物,但要去計算障礙物的距離,同時你的擊球飛行距離。這也是我在最近看Arnold Palmer公開賽,一些球道設計是沿著水池而走,可以走捷徑直攻果嶺,也可以先上球道再打上果嶺。但像有距離的DeChambeau就直攻在果嶺前的球道,就算滾到長草也可以輕鬆送上果嶺。
To hit it high is good to get the maximum distance, since when the golf ball travels in certain hight on the air, it is easier to fly longer. If you face a big portion of the bunkers or water on the fairway, you need to hit it high to get the distance, if the trajectory is low or mid, it's unable to cross over the hassle . For such case, you can only lay up to the problem.
On Arnold Palmer tournament, there are many oaks or waters along with the fairway. You can lay up to land the green or play short cut to aim the green. DeChambeau is the best example who hit straight to the green and landed before the green. Even though he did not make it on the fairway, he is able to hit the wedge to the green without problem.
DeChambeau also tee high to make the ball launch higher for high trajectory. Why? he has the power and to drive the ball long, it's good to allow ball on the air to travel as long as possible. With such mission, high trajectory is the only way to make the ball fly high and long. That's the thing you need to learn on your tee shot.
I believe the golf courses not in the mountain are good to play high trajectory since you can gain the best result on distance. If it's mountain golf courses, you can have high or low trajectory golf clubs to make it low in order to gain the best performance. For me I have various trajectory drivers to make the different results.
For average golfers, you can have two kinds golf shafts to play various trajectories with interchangeable feature. However, I would not think it's good to handle changing shaft for different trajectory, since the average golfers are unable to handle different types of shaft profile and feedback. It's easy to make the mistake on changing the different shaft. Thus to have two drivers with different trajectory should be the best solution.