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動作和球桿的關系-案例分析/Clubfitting case study junior golfer!~中集

動作和球桿的關系-案例分析/Clubfitting case study junior golfer!

動作和球桿的關系-案例分析/Clubfitting case study junior golfer!~上集


1. 下桿擡頭,因為頭沒有固定好,所以有時候都是削到球的上半部。
2. 這問題也和他下桿身體往左腿移動比較多和快,導致上半身,肩膀轉動帶動手臂來不及跟上擊球點。這也是他的球會有右曲的問題產生。而且這個問題在使用越長的球桿問題更加明顯。
3. 收桿的身體重心沒有轉到左腿,導致收桿身體會後仰。
4. 推桿需要利用肩膀的擺動,目前是用手在推,導致穩定性不足。尤其在中短距離比較不穩。

1. 下桿的下盤扭轉來帶動,避免下桿身體重心移動過多。以下盤轉動為主。
2. 球桿調整桿頭減輕,選其他driver和球道木的長度比較短0.5~1“。因為他的轉動做的到位,球桿可以以讓他使用和發揮越小負擔最好。
3. 鐵桿的中鐵和短鐵,把桿頭重量減輕,讓他在下桿桿頭轉正這部分可以提升,減低側旋問題。
4. 握把尺寸需要加大,讓他在桿頭回正這塊可以更順暢和快速。

練習2 - 上面問題進行改善後和球桿調整。再進行練習場的練習。以下就是球員的改善和擊球結果。



大多數的球友都有下桿力量過大、過多問題,但如何藉由節奏去控制力量?而這部分有訓練師的協助,確實可以改善力量和速度過多問題。而把下桿的動作去進行更多的修正和控制,就是讓下桿的效果提升的關鍵。也是golf fitness可以發揮的地方之一!

1.把driver得長度設定在44~44.25”。打算做一支他得driver配上LAGP Tronos 55 R。握把尺寸再適合他得手指2. 長鐵打算把長度減到37.5“。讓他可以香7鐵打得一樣準和穩定。3. 球道木也會做一支比較短得長度來讓他使用。都會比我使用得長度再短0.5”。因為他的距離比我要好。不需要拼距離。以打到桿面甜蜜點比例最高為目標。同時讓他越好控制和減低側旋問題為主

動作和球桿的關系-案例分析/Clubfitting case study junior golfer!~下集

1. during the down swing, his head and eyes do not stick on the ball, as a result, always hits on the top of the ball without solid impact.
2. his lower body is moving too fast that makes his striking spot is unstable without solid impact.
3. shoulder rotation is not complete. the right shoulder needs to rotate through the striking point until the end of the swing.
4. His gravity of the body is not on the left foot after his finishing of the swing.
5. He is using the arms to control and put that are unstable to maintain the path and striking accuracy. Teaching him to use the shoulder to put instead of arms and gripping.

1. lower body to rotate and lead the upper body to strike the ball. There are two body rotations to operate the swing with upper and lower bodies.
2. Golf clubs needs to be adjusted the weight, particularly the head weight. It will help him have better control for the golf club instead of spending too much power on working the golf club.
3. Custom his own driver with 44" length and light total weight lighter swing weight for his play.
4. Grip needs to be used standard for better fit his finger gripping
5. Mid and short irons need to be lighter weight on the head for better control and workability.

Second time practice in driving range after fine tune the golf clubs.

The mid, short irons and wedges are outstanding control and striking. he can strike it nicely and accurately without problem. The irons and wedges are fit his body and swing. He has no problem to perform the best and consistent. However, the longer irons, fairway and driver are still the challenge for him as his swing is not mature and consistent to handle the long golf clubs. It needs to spend more time on drills and body work out to build the strong body swing base.

Jennifer has been helping him to build the core body muscles for golf swing. It certainly improves his swing plane and swing accuracy. That's why he can pick up the swing and see the improvement so quickly with the right trainer and coach.

Kids and average golfers are always pouring too much energy and power on the swing. By helping them know the power needs to be controlled and managed in order to maintain the swing plane and striking accuracy. Only working on the body exercise and stretch is able to help swing operation. That's different expertise of the golf swing, but it's critical on modern golf swing.

Clubfitting case study junior golfer!~Part III




