高爾夫球鞋的不可取代性/Golf's fundamental: golf shoes!~下集
There are so many tools, equipments and accessories built for golf, you need to have these stuff in order to operate the golf and golf swing smooth and better. Some people may not think it's so important to have golf features tools or accessories because golf stuff is not cheap or needs to go to golf pro shops to purchase it. Today I would like to discuss golf shoes as it's critical for golfers to perform your best swing.
Golf shoes are so important because it needs to face various challenges such as grass, bunkers, and up/down hills fairway. Moreover, it needs to be waterproof, comfortable and durable. With all kinds of features, you are able to perform your best! That's why you need to have a pair of professional golf shoes instead of normal sport shoes or running shoes.
The materials, technologies and designs of golf shoes are so complicated since it needs to have certain abilities and features for golfers' demands and requirements. For instance, when you swing, your golf shoes need to grip solidly on the ground without slipping. This is most important thing when you think golf shoes to help you build the best golf swing.
We all know there are two types of golf shoes you can select from the market, one is spike and the other one is spikeless. The spike shoes are more likely sport design and unable to wear it on your daily life and works. On the other hand, spikeless shoes are more practical that you can use it on both daily life and golf activities.
Let me give you an example that to select the right golf shoes are so important to your golf swing. My son is 13 years old and help him build his golf swing for about one month with 5 times driving range drills.
Since black Friday, I bought one pair of spike golf shoes for him and he tried last time then told me: the shoes are so good that when I make the down swing, my lower body and shoes are solidly standing on the ground. Before he was using sport shoes to play golf and his swing power and speed are better than me. If his lower body is rotated so fast, his shoes would be slipping.
Golf's fundamental: golf shoes!~Part II