合理的套路最高級:限量和特殊款的產品/limited & special models! 上集
Of course, there are some features and colors are different with the standard model, but I do not think it's worth to purchase for few features and color on special model. Some of golf shaft makers are trying to sell special event model with unique color or graphic with little higher prices, for me that's acceptable.
These special color model can sell higher on aftermarket or online market place. However, if you try to sell double or higher value, it's hard since most of golfers are not collector or crazy about the special graphic colors. For the collectors, they always check the new stuff and special models, to sell for such limited models, it's high risk!
There are many special models, and limited quantity in Japan golf market. These equipment makers try to squeeze as much sales as possible from golfers. I have purchased a number of limited and special shafts, heads and golf bag in the past, I realize one important thing, be practical. These expensive goods are not fit for everyone, but as the collector, you can have it without actual playing.
Limited and special models are always selling double or trip in Japan, moreover, if you do not have professional knowledge in golf clubs, you will pick up the wrong model. I have played my friends' special edition golf shaft, but the shaft is so stiff that is hard for average golfer to handle. He keeps saying it's great shaft he has played.
Special and limited models can't get you better performance and feel if you are unable to select the right specification. Even though the professional clubmaker can make the mistake by purchasing the wrong specification, it's required to know the brand technology and shaft profile in order to get the right shaft. Therefore, the average is taking high risk on the special and limited models.
My last suggestion is to find the right and good clubfitter and clubmaker to help you get fit on the right golf gear. The expensive golf clubs or golf shafts have featured advanced materials and technology for performance, the right golf guru will help you get the right stuff and build your own specification for playing better! That's the core on golf gears.