在德州來說,主力是足球和高爾夫。突然覺得Golf的產品成為主力了。有種莫名的興奮感。以前在台北也好,到紐約也一樣。就算outlet或專賣店,golf的產品根本就是翎毛鳳角。在紐約的Nike Factory store有時候店家佛心,擺一點Golf的服飾就好像撿到寶。也要花點時間挖寶才有機會找到Golf產品。
在德州就是一整個區塊讓你好好看,好好選。德州的UA專賣店或factory store基本就是店的一半是Golf的產品。看得樂不思蜀而且買一送一,5折價。不只這些運動品牌專賣店是這樣,像Dick‘s sporting goods這類的運動用品專門店也是golf一大塊,球桿、服飾、配件和耗材,讓你慢慢挑,買到爽。
來到德州基本就是golf天堂了。所以你要補給golf的裝備也要看地方。我不知道加州是否也是golf的重鎮,但德州肯定是可以讓你買到破表!而今年的服飾大多以誇鬆設計,喜歡比較fit的我,對loose的風格,就有點卻步。 我都是每一次看到喜歡的買一點,這樣下次有看到不同的可以再買,不會一次腦充血買很多。
買golf裝備,你去對地方了嗎/The right place to shop for your golf goods?~下集
Summer is coming and temperature is getting hot. For such situation, it's hard to play golf in the morning. However, the apparels accessories and gears need to be updated and swapped to summer mode. I have been hanging around the sports goods stores and finding some interesting things that each state has its own sports' development and product profiles.
I was in New York city in past 2 years and the sporting goods stores such as Nike, Adidas, UA, are focusing on work-out, basketball and casual styles. The goods are all related with the styles. However, I am in Dallas, TX, the stores are selling mainly soccer, work out and golf. Of course, Texas is big with lots of spaces, to develop the outdoor for soccer and golfers required the spaces is the best.
I haven't seen many golf apparels in the store and now suddenly there are many golf selections to purchase. It's so good! For example, Dallas Under Armour store has about half of the store for golf goods. Many clothes are buy one get one free with 50% off discount. The store like Dick's sporting goods has large golf goods selection.
You can spend time to find out the most updated golf goods without problem. That's really the golf paradise for Asian golfers, since golf is not a majority of the sport. The regular sporting goods store would not carry many golf items. That's why it's hard to get the new and updated golf apparels and shoes.
That's why I am so excited to check the stores for golf in this summer. I have some items needed to get for hot temperature golfing. However, I am the person who like to purchase few pieces each time without getting big volume of the purchases at once. This way I am able to check the stores from time to time to get the most updated models.
The right place to shop for your golf goods?~下集