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年底到了,你的高爾夫火力補充時間到了/Things you need to get during the holiday season!~下集

年底到了,你的高爾夫火力補充時間到了/Things you need to get during the holiday season

年底到了,你的高爾夫火力補充時間到了/Things you need to get during the holiday season!~上集



4. 高爾夫球袋 :球袋比較少人會增購或買。但我個人覺得太台灣很多人買選手球袋/tour bag,其實腳架袋/stand bag的實用和使用會比較適合。因為選手袋大又重,價格也很漂亮。當然外型也比較搶眼,但其實很占空間。所以我個人比較喜歡用腳架袋。而在年底購物季,這部分是一定會有不錯的折扣。


5. 球:高爾夫是重要的子彈。而這個時候當然是補給的最佳時間。很多網站都會提供球款的折扣不說,還可以加印你的個人logo或名字等服務。雖然我很少會買球但看到這段時間都是一堆的網站再打折和提供買球優惠,誰不心動。



3. The golf shoes : I would say golf shoes are the same importance as golf clubs and golf ball in golf. If you do not have a good pair of shoes or solid shoes to work on? your game would be terrible! Why? Shoes are the fundamental of your body power, and if you want to have comfortable golfing day, shoes are the key for making you play good and sweet.

I personally select about 2 golf shoes models to buy during the holiday season. I will only buy one instead of getting two pairs of shoes. Since you can select which model has great discount and right size for you during the discount period. I would say you need to make up the mind quick, since it's always easier to sell out the common sizes during the discount time.

It's like buying stocks, if the price is on my target, I would pull the trigger without hesitation. I have got so many times when I want to make the purchase but the size is already gone. You need to be aware of that particularly some expensive and fancy models are so hot with discount. However, sometimes you make the purchase but couple days or one week later it has further discount. It happens but when the further discount released, your size may be gone already.

4. Golf bag : Golf bag may not be changed regularly but sometimes it has good discount, you can get good deals to consider. I purchase new stand bag every 2 or 3 years. It's not the bag damage but you have new bag to load you golf gears and accessory for new coming year.

5. Golf balls : Of course the balls are the most important item for golfers to purchase regularly. During the holiday season, there are tons of promotion or discount for golf balls, you certainly can find the right deals with good discount for your ideal golf balls. In general I purchase certain volume for golf ball during the the year end, I can play it for next year without problem.

Now I have bought golf stand bag, golf shoes and gloves. I do not want to wait further for other discount as your size or your favorite color and model may be gone when you are ready to purchase. It's better to get the goods through shipping to home, store purchasing is high risk during the pandemic. I wish you to find the golf goods in this week with great price.




