6月了,德州的天氣已經是夏天了,天天給它30幾度。手癢了就找個附近的球場來打。但實在很熱95度/35度的天氣,還是打打練習場。這個練習場開車只要10分左右,和之前Twin Creeks球場在一起。就在隔壁。所以對我來說格外方便。要打球隨時球袋背著就可以走。德州就是打高爾夫的天堂。我開車半個小時可以打的球場不下10個。
球是和Twin Creeks一樣的Wilson練習球,也有夾雜Callaway的練習球。都是同一個採購團,球都一樣。還是覺得Wilson的練習球比較好打。雖然spin多一些、手感也比較舒服、友善。再去旁邊的切球區練切桿。感覺比較大一些。可以練60碼內的切球。非常好的距離設定,比較貼近實際狀況。練了30個左右,最後去推桿果嶺練一下。推桿果嶺在會所旁邊,稍微要走個幾步路但還是近。很方便,可以先把球袋放到車上,拿著桿子和球去推。
Plantation Golf club & Driving range球場~下集
It's June and the wether is so hot in Plano. TX. The daytime is always over 90 degree and I barely go to the golf course to play and can't take the chance to get hot. Anyway, grab my bag to play in driving range which is acceptable to stay with golf and maintain the swing. This time I choose Plantation golf club in Frisco, with 10 minute driving. It's so close to my place.
This golf course is the same area with Twin Creeks golf course, but I prefer Plantation golf course more as it's in the living area and you barely pass by the golf course. The club house is like normal house and I see the driving range and chipping green to know this is the golf course I am looking for. If you are not familiar with this golf course, it's easy to pass.
There are about 30 hitting spots and the good thing is the parking linked with driving range, it's so convenient when you park and carry your bag for working couple minutes to play. The price is the same as Twin Creeks. The range ball is Wilson range which is softer and better control than other balls I have been playing in Texas. I think it's the same purchasing department for these two golf courses.
I like this driving range since there is the hitting mat to protect your iron head without scratching the sole area and face too much. Of course you can hit on the grass with your fairway wood and driver. It's good to practice the real situation in play without making your club heads wear too much. The next is to do my short game with chipping practice.
The chipping green is good and you can hit about 60 yards distance to the flag, it's very likely the true situation you face in your play. The grass is soft, easy to eat and chip. It can use high bounce wedge to play with good result. The Putting green is good as well, the green speed is about 8 with good speed to get your putting skills.
Plantation Golf club & Driving range ~ Part II