如何“簡化高爾夫”/Making golf simple!~上集
以距離導向策略,我用3支木桿類, 4支鐵桿和一支推桿,打遍天下,桿數還是在85+-3。球場距離在6000~7000碼,如果可以打遠一點的tee,我一定會衝。很多球友都打固定tee臺,這說明你的第二桿基本就是中短鐵,這樣好打多了。但如果你的第二桿是要打超過160碼,那難度就變天了。甚至是要200碼距離,那就是考驗你的動作、球桿操作的火候了。
We are average golfers and do not have a lot of times to play and practices. Therefore, it's easier for you to make the mistake and off sweet spot shot. With that, you are unable to deliver the ideal distance for the golf club. That's why it's always pick longer distance club to target. Even though you have clean solid striking, the distance is ideally, your ball can still in the green.
The green size is normally between 30~60 yards and even you out driven the ball, you can still have room to keep the ball on the green or the rough. But if you play short, you need to have another shot to make the ball to the green for sure. The result is the same but you have better chance to get the ball to the pin.
That's why when your golf clubs are less, your strategy becomes simple and easy. You would not have the problem on picking up the golf club to play. Now you may have another question about the accuracy. Yes, accuracy is critical for you to make the score lower but for average golfers, your mission is to deliver the distance as the first priority.
Once you have the distance, you can still make the par or plus one in the end. even though you mis the shot, it's not landed on the green but in the rough or bunker is still playable. if the ball has no distance, you will need to play one or two shots to make it on the green. My experience is to have your short game and chip the ball to the green.
To make the off target shot damaged less, you can customize your golf clubs to fit your swing and pick up the head and shaft more forgiving with less side spin. You can still have your ball alive without out of bound. That's what I have been doing in past 15 years and it's working great on me. Hope it helps!