2023年起心動念打算換另一種推桿形式來玩玩。研究一下目前的推桿款式,就一見鍾情了Scotty Cameron 2023 Phantom X 5系列。我必須說,Scotty的設計真的很厲害。加上它的桿頭都在美國CNC,質量上真的和O牌、T牌和P牌的要優多了。 當然Scotty的價格也是最優,同時也相對保值!
因為我在網路上也看了一段時間,Phantom X 5/5.5/5S狀況好的也都在USD350到450之間,這個保值力也太猛了。所以乾脆買新的,同時也可以訂自己要的33“長度。就到幾家附近的惡球具店問問價格和是否有貨?33”都沒有貨,跑到第三家才有5.5 33“的現貨可以拿。因為現金有折扣,我麻煩店家幫我留住,我隔天去ATM去錢。
今年想玩大頭的推桿也是想來改一下推桿。打算把桿身換成碳纖維,握把也會換掉,把推擊的效果拉到最好,同時手感也可以提升。因為以目前我這支Phantom X 5.5來說,我覺得太重,這個桿頭重量應該都在370~380g,2個20g的螺絲,馬上去訂2個5g的螺絲來換。因為我的推法是手臂不施力,以肩膀擺動去推擊。這樣的桿子重量設定都不可以太重。
另一點就是目前推桿的桿身是鋼管,推擊起來,球的滾動上沒有產生很好的效率。球容易滾到突然停下來,所以需要增加過多的轉動,讓球滾動更自然和效率提升。還有一個因素讓我想購入Pantom X是,以往的Scotty推桿桿頭,如果是大頭設計多半是用鋁合金材質,桿頭的設計會比較大一些。雖然可以讓推擊穩定性提升到破表,但我個人不是很愛這種風格的推桿。
Phantom X的桿頭材質是不鏽鋼,有一個主體和底部黑色2塊組成。都是不鏽鋼材質,所以桿頭視覺上比較小,看起來比較結實和肌肉感。這樣設計,可以更容易控制桿頭、同時可以兼具桿面的推擊穩定性。把桿身和握把換掉後,桿頭再減個30g後,應該會讓我用起來更舒服和容易掌握。避免手臂和手指消耗太多力量在球桿的控制。
我會下場推給2回來感受原廠設定的Phantom X 5.5,然後在著手改造。這樣才能知道前後的差異。同時把原廠桿身退下來,以後隨時都可以吧原廠桿身握把裝回去。後面再分享這推桿的實際使用經驗。
It's been a while I haven't got the new putter and this time I am going to get the new style of putter instead of blade putter. There are tons of putters in the market and I am crazy about Scotty Cameron Phantom 5 series. It's made and milled in the states, the quality is the best for the retail putters. Of course the price is top.
I check about 3 pro shops for Phantom 5 putter, I need 33" but there is only one store has the stock, of course I grab it without hesitation. Even though 33" is still too long for my usage, I will just pull out the shaft and keep it for future reselling then get the new shaft and grip for setting up my own putter specification.
The existing Phantom 5.5 putter I have is weighted too heavy for my use since I am using shoulder instead of arms to generate the power. It requires the putter needs to be light weight for me to control and operate. Therefore, I have to remove the two 20g weight screws and order two 5g weight screws.
Regarding the shaft, I am thinking to use graphite shaft instead of stainless, but it seems the head can only fit stainless taper shaft. I will try if there is any solution for using graphite shaft for this head, if not, I will just put the stainless and cut the butt for my ideal length. I will use superstroke flatso 2.0 again, I love this model since I can turn the flat side 90 degree or minus 90 degree for better gripping.
I love Phantom 5.5 design and shape, it's so compact with stainless material. It's good for control with high MOI for stability, Some of big MOI putter heads are used aluminum but the putting distance would not be good, I prefer harder material on putter head to gain the performance and control, let's see how phantom 5.5 performs, I will post the review in near future.