Tour issue桿頭一直是一些玩家們會追逐的產品。因為產品的外觀和一般款式都是一樣,所以要如何避免買到不是真的tour issue桿頭,或是掛羊頭賣狗肉的產品就要看你的管道和貨源。以前我也玩很長一段時間的tour issue球桿和桿頭。但後來懂球桿也做訂製桿後,就逐漸不再追逐這些高價卻對一般人不怎麼實用的產品。
我以前玩tour issue球桿和桿頭都是有特別tour issue才會有的款式或產品。所以打起來也確實有不同和差異。但後來這些大廠們都把選手用的桿頭標準化,只是從大量的桿頭裡去挑選出和測量一些桿頭的規格和精準度,再提供給選手車上給選手訂製的桿子。這是進10年來tour issue球桿的來源和模式。
這也是現在大廠的tour issue比較沒有特殊性和收藏或使用的價值。因為這些東西我自己也可以藉由調整套管、螺絲和球桿規格來達到。也就讓我放棄去買tour issue桿頭來玩。當然了,tour issue桿頭其實會比較明確,桿頭的規格會精準,不會像一般桿頭的公差那麼大。但現在桿頭的質量和精準度也不錯了。
如果只是單純買tour issue桿頭來,這樣也是只有半套。因為你需要去配置桿身、握把和整體桿子的規格才是一個完整的流程。所以訂製的流程是肯定需要。一些球友買了tour issue桿頭後就配置自己喜歡的桿身,忽略掉選擇適合的桿身規格、硬度和重量等。也不在意桿子整體的配置規格。
選手用/Tour issue桿頭真的有比較優嗎/Is tour issue head better?~下集
Tour issue club heads or the whole club are always scrambling by some golfers who like to play something different and unique. However, if you do not have reliable source and knowledge of the tour issue products, it's highly to get something fake or regular club with fake tour issue serial number. Since the price of tour issue club heads and clubs are more expensive than retail one, you need to be careful to avoid the mistake and problem.
I have been purchasing tour issue heads and the whole golf clubs were 10 years ago. At that time, the tour issue heads are different with the retail one with the shape, design and material. Therefore, I could feel the differentiations and it's worth to get the tour issue goods. However, in recent 8 years, all the tour issue heads are picked from the mass production of the retail models.
The good thing of current tour issue heads are measured with all kinds of specification with the right data such as loft, angle, weight, and face bouncing. With such detail data and information, the tour issue golf clubs can be built by tour clubfitters in the tour van or the tour department of major equipment brands.
That's the key for the tour issue head as it's measured and tested before assembling. The clubmaker is able to select the right tour issue head to fit specific tour player's requirements and expectation for the new golf club. This way the tour player is able to get the new and updated golf clubs to play with their expectation and performance without problem.
For average golfers, if you would purchase the tour issue head alone, it's better to consult with your clubfitter to find out what shaft and specification are good for your preference and usage? If you do not go through the clubfitter, you are unable to build the right golf club with your specification to deliver the best performance and results.
Is tour issue head better?~Part II