The average golfers always try to learn the swing with themselves, it's from Youbute, friends and free lessons, however, you need to be aware that to copy someone's swing is extremely dangerous. Why? We all learn from others, how come we can not copy someone's swing? Since golf swing is very personal that operates by your own body.
If your body is unable to operate the certain swing, it will not be able to swing nicely and correctly. It's not just taking time to work on the swing, the body needs to build the fundamental in order to operate the swing smoothly. The body will use the way it is able to function the swing but it would not be generating the right power with productivity and efficiency.
If you would like to make your swing with quality and power, it needs to work on your body strength instead of working on the swing. If the swing you are copying is not fit your current body condition, you will get hurt later. That's why copying is not the right solution for golfers to learn, but understanding the fundamental of swing rotation is key to make the swing work correctly.
I only check pros or single handicapper on the details of the swing such as gripping style, body weight shifting, upper body rotation and so on. Understanding or analyzing good golfers' swing details will help you know other approaches for operating the swing. You can also compare your current swing with the same details and know which way is the best for your operation?
You also need to know DO NOT let friends or swing coach to teach you one free lesson, since they won't analyze your body first and just give you their swing on you. They used to rebuild your swing instead of working on certain details for improvement. If you copy other's swing, you won't get better since your previous swing will not work at all when you copy other. Being smart to build your swing is the key to stay long in golf!