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握桿才是打好的關鍵之一/gripping is the key to make a good shot!~下集

握桿才是打好的關鍵之一/gripping is the key to make a good shot!~下集

握桿才是打好的關鍵之一/gripping is the key to make a good shot!~上集







If you would like to use your fingers to grip the clubs, you must building your finger gripping power in order to handle the club. I recalled in the beginning of my finger gripping the club, it's hard to handle and grip solidly. That's why I started training my fingers to get better gripping power. After a while, my finger's power got better, it would have no difficulty to grip the clubs.

It tells you that the nowadays golf is highly required your power power to work with the club. The nowadays golf swing must be built on the good body to work with the clubs. Since we know better of our body and lots of technologies can help us reach the better swing mission. That's how you need to do for making your swing correctly and consistently.

I have been spending half of my golf time on work out and training my body after rebuilding my swing. A good golf swing needs to have strong and solid lower body to generate the power. At the same time, a good core muscles including the back, shoulder and waist must get strong to operate the swing. You can check Youbube to know how to train your body easily on the web.

Once you change your gripping, it will effect your swing for sure. That's why the standing and gripping are critical for golf swing as it will make your swing completely different. Of course you can grip the club with your palm, but if you would like to get better and swing powerful, fingers gripping is the way you can try and before that you need to do the work-out for your body and fingers.

Once you know how to use your fingers to grip the club, you will know how powerful your swing can be generated? Of course, there are other approaches to improve your swing and gripping, it's welcome to have everyone to share your experience and we can learn from.




