3層球是進階的球款,而這次我來測試是幾個大品牌產品。有Titleist Tour speed, Callaway ERC Soft,和Srixon Z Star VX(4層,Z star為3層)。都是2021年市面上有在販售的球款。結構一樣,外皮為TPU材質,也是Urethane的一種,但是用射出成形的方式。ERC soft的硬度應該在80左右,再來是Tour Speed,最硬是Z Star VX。VX也是針對有速度的使用者為主。
選結構、材質、價位都一樣的等級來測試,比較能給球友一個整體的分析。對於鎖定這個級別產品的人,可以做為一個參考。挑Srixon VX(4層)也是要看我能否可以感受出球款的硬度差異?我可以的話,大家一定也可以感受得出來。因為很多人都說球的好壞,我完全感受不出來,要嘛,就是打不了幾洞就掉球了,要嘛就是球的擊球撞擊太短暫,感覺不出球的軟硬或回饋...
這次測試是在室內的擊球區,有Foresign GC2擊球模擬器,進行擊球數據偵測和收集。球桿使用 TM SIM2 Titanium 3木 15度配三菱Tensei FW 65 S硬度桿身。原廠規格和設定。測試是每一款球打4個球,進行分析和數據收集。當然越後面測試的球款比較有優勢,就是擊球的穩定性會更好。動作上也會比較靈活。
先測試Srixon Z Star VX/4 層結構球款。這是Srixon高階球,3層結構,球打起來比較硬,應該說,我打它一般的款式比較適合,VX是給揮桿速度快的球友用。打到甜蜜點的球速可以到128mph,失擊在114mph,飛行距離在190~202碼,滾動就超過30碼。也就是說,它就是贏在滾動,也是我測試這三款球裡最能滾。
3pc tournament balls reviews/3層比賽球測試!~下集
3pc tournament balls reviews/3層比賽球測試!~中集
3 piece tournament is the multilayer golf ball with specific features and functions for golfers to seek for better performance and feel. There are tons of golf balls with such structure, but which one is better fit my swing and speed? This time I am testing 3 types of 3 piece tournament ball and providing the insights.
I pick Titleist tour speed, Callaway ERC soft and Srixon Z star VX/4 layer structure. It's all 2021 models with TPU cover, urethane cover material. The ERC soft should be compression 80, then it's Tour speed with little harder and VX should be the hardest compression. The VX is targeting fast speed golfer. It's the same structure, materials, and pricing, you will know better for the details of ball performance through my review.
Most golfers always think it's hard for me to know which golf ball is good for me, since I can't play the same golf ball for the whole 18 holes or at least 3 to 5 holes. Well, it's not true, even though you can not hit too many times but you still can feel it and see the result of the performance. At least with the review, you are able to find out which golf type is performance better on certain fields or features?
I am using Foresign GC2 launch monitor indoor to play and collect all the data to make the comparison and analysis. The golf club is Taylormade SIM2 titanium 3W with Mitsubishi Tensei FW 65 S flex. I test each type of golf balls for 4 hits. I can't let my body to fit to the golf ball profile and first 4 hits data is enough for me to see the differentiations.
The first is Srixon VX, it's high end ball type and feels hard to me, I would say the true compression with my feel should be over 90. I personally think Z star regular model should fit me better. The back spin is low. The ball speed with sweet spot is 128mph, the off sweet spot is 114mph, the carry distance is 190~202 yards. The rolling distance is over 30 yards! That's the longest rolling I can get from these 3 ball types.
3pc tournament balls reviews!~Part III
3pc tournament balls reviews!~Part II