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高容錯桿頭的副作用/high MOI's trade of!~下集

高容錯桿頭的副作用/high MOI's trade of!

高容錯桿頭的副作用/high MOI's trade of!~上集


但打出來的最遠距離卻是Qi 10.這也不奇怪,因為我之前打Rogue ST和Stealth的時候,Rogue就超穩的,很無聊,Stealth就是會小右曲,但不時會搞個距離破表。應該說,Taylormade的桿頭,如果你打到對的位置,那種距離真的就是中樂透。感覺還好,但到球的位置會嚇到。想不到Qi 10也有這個隱藏祕技,如果不用個半年、一年的還真不知道要怎麼開掛。

還有一個我個人對Qi 10覺得不舒服,就是它這次的桿面的弧形近乎是直線。在桿頭的設計上,桿面需要設計一個弧線,桿面中間部位是弧線的突出點,因為這樣可以炸裂出最好的桿面彈性。但相對如果你不是打在中間位置,打在根部或趾部就會產生比較多的側旋。可能是為了讓非桿面熱區的擊球可以把方向偏差率壓到最低。你從產品照片或網路上看起來還好,但實際把桿頭放在地面擊球位置,就真的很平。那是要怎樣打cut和draw啊...只能用LS版了。

我個人是感覺,這次的Qi 10的桿頭外型真的和之前TM的桿頭改變很多。把桿頭擺在地面上,如果不說,我真的不覺得是Taylormade的的driver。但Qi 10的製作細節和產品完成度要比Stealth要高很多。Qi 10的結構和外型弧線很流暢和紮實。這是我看到Qi10的衝動和想擁有的動機!

Ai Smoke的底座煙硝色,確實很搶眼。這點已經跳脫目前桿頭在配色上的單一無趣窠臼。這也是我鎖定這兩款木桿打算來購入其中之一,作為2024的先發主力。我個人的八字和Smoke是絕配,做為保底的木桿來用,絕對不怕。Qi 10就是要馴服的野馬,比較有挑戰和樂趣。以外型和質感來說,Qi10是完勝。不然打算年初買其中一支,到9月後再買另一隻。


With my experience, Callaway driver is very consistent on distance and accuracy, but the distance is Taylormade. Taylormade driver sometimes can deliver longer distance than usual. I have approved on my stealth and Rogue ST for over 1 year usage. Now it's the DNA from Taylormade driver for new Qi10.

The other thing I don't feel comfortable on Qi10 is the face bulge from toe to heel is kind of straight. Comparing to previous models and other competitors' drivers, Qi10 is very straight. The face bulge design is able to get the best bouncing on the face center, and delivers more side and back spins on the toe, heel and down spots.

Maybe it's to make the off hot zone generate less side spin and back spin. But it's not really comfortable to aim the ball at the setup. It's the identifications from Qi10 with my actual usage and feel, I think this model is a big jump compared to other peers and previous models. But the Qi10 head is very solid and smooth shape. That's the thing driving my passion!

The Ai Smoke's design is also impressive with the sole smoking graphic, it's totally different with all driver graphic design. The shape is kind of similar with previous Mavrik driver and not big move on the head structure. As a result, Qi10 is the one caught my attention and different with Taylormade driver DNA.

I am thinking to pick either Qi10 or Ai Smoke for my 2024 driver, and still hesitating now. Ai Smoke is very easy to play, perfect score on forgiving and off sweet spot result. Qi10 is similar with Ai Smoke but harder to manage the striking and the off sweet spot result is not as good as Ai Smoke but the distance is the weapon. Are you ready for new driver on 2024?



