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世界排名第一的Dustin Johnson 加入LA Golf桿身/Dustin Johnson joins LA Golf!

世界排名第一的Dustin Johnson 加入LA Golf桿身/Dustin Johnson joins LA Golf!

LA Golf Partner/LAGP在US open開始有一個重磅消息,就是Dustin Johnson 成為 LA Golf的股東+董事成員。而他目前就是用LAGP的桿身產品了,木桿使用AXS Tour Blue款式。特性就是低倒旋和低彈道,就是給熊爆發力的人打。目前Bryson DeChambeau也是用這款桿身。看來美巡賽的兩位大砲級都不約而同的用了這款桿身。

AXS Tour2021款是和2020款有外觀上差別,2020年款的是白底AXS是不同顏色(藍、紅、灰,可以參考圖片),2021年的是黑底LA GOLF logo是有紅、藍、灰三種。所以這是AXS Tour的差異。性能和手感上都是一樣。穩定性和性能是LAGP的招牌,所以現在PGA最火的桿身不是沒有道理!

我個人用Red Tie就覺得嚇嚇叫了。AXS Tour的效能和手感都不錯。雖然沒有日系有彈的感覺,但球速、倒旋和抗側旋能力都不錯。手感是非常順暢。打起來很舒服。我打Red Tie就覺得穩定、同時桿身回饋很順暢,比起以前Matrix要更舒服多了。Blue的重量從60開始,Red從50開始、white從40開始(50g上下)。

Dustin Johnson的推桿桿身也是TPZ款式,就看他什麼時候會把鐵桿桿身給換掉。對於LAGP的產品,可以看到他們的企圖心和質量。LAGP桿身是唯一不OEM的桿身品牌。也就是不給球具大品牌貼牌他們桿身產品,或沒有讓亞洲代工來生產他們的桿身。所有的桿身都是美國加州生產製造,純Made In USA。就算是大品牌,可以選配LAGP桿身都是加價,沒有例外。

看這週的US Open裡,DeChambeau用 AXS Tour Blue真的太猛了。彈道比以前用的Prototype要低一半高度。十足的低彈道,而且超能滾。我看轉播他的球落地都可以滾個30碼左右的距離。我只能說現在他用Tour Blue實在太猛。穩定性也提升不少。這次的US Open他木桿開球超高比例的上球道率,真以為看錯選手,沒錯!就是DeChambeau。

只是這次他的上果嶺率實在太差。不然真的會讓他擠到領先組。再說到Dustin Johnson。其實之前我就知道他可能會加入LAGP,只是那時候LAGP很低調的說,還沒有談成。因為他其實至少2個月前就在測試用LAGP桿身。之前在PAG錦標賽就看到他用了。只是現在變成真的。這類大咖選手,東西如果不好時不會考慮。因為著攸關他們比賽成績,不是給錢打我就用。成績不好,和他自己八字不合,一樣謝謝再聯絡。


LA Golf Partner/LAGP has announced Ducstin Johnson becomes the major shareholder of LA Golf as the board of director. There are more top tour players are using LA golf shafts in PGA tournament, it seems LA golf is getting hot in 2021. Now the number one golf tour player is part of its tour member and it's encouraging for custom golf shaft for golfers to consider.

Johnson has been testing the LA golf shafts for months and he was using the shaft for long time, it must be very good in order to switch the shaft. Of course, he said LA golf shaft offers the distance and accuracy with impression. Now he can feel free to swing hard with his woods without big misses.

He is currently using LA golf AXS tour 2021 Blue tie shaft, the characteristic of blue tie is low launch and low spin, we can see DeChambeau is also using this shaft in recent two PGA tournaments. It's the best performance shaft in the market with two top driving distance tour players using. I am playing Red tie since it's mid launch and mid/low spin. It's better for average golfers to play.

The AXS Tour shaft has three models, Blue, Red and White, it focuses on different using groups. White is for slow swing speed golfers with high launch and mid spin rate. The shaft feedbacks with these models are very comfortable during the downswing. The white tie starts from low 50 grams, Red tie is from high 50 grams and blue is from 60 grams for the weights.

This weekend we can see Johnson is using LAGP TPZ putter shaft and now it's only the irons are still the same as before. Perhaps sooner or later he will switch to LA Golf iron shafts like DeChambeau for all series of LA Golf products.

LA golf is the only shaft maker doesn't offer OEM products with major golf equipment brands and if you like to play LA Golf shaft, you have to pay the up charge for custom order through equipment makers' websites. Or you can go to the local custom golf club store to build your own golf clubs with LA golf products. LA golf is the only shaft maker who sells the shafts to golf club makers and golf workshops.

It ensures the products has no cheap and OEM models to conflict with after market shafts. It's the major issue when custom golf woods to have the same OEM shaft but after market shafts pay premium for getting it and stock shaft from OEM maker is no extra money to pay. Of course the OEM is not the same material and quality as after market shaft. Meanwhile, LA golf shafts are all Made In USA.

We are going to see more tour players to play LA golf shafts in this year and I have been using Matrix and LA golf shafts for years as their distributor since 2007. With my experience, LA golf has upgraded the shafts to the better product and quality compared Matrix shafts. They are using the same NDA and technology but it's better performance and feel. The average golfers should give it a try and you will understand my expression.