試球桿要盲打,不要去看規格再打/Do not check the spec of the golf club before trying out!~下集
When golfers are testing the new golf clubs, they used to check the specification of the golf club such as the length, weight, swing weight and flex. When you know the specification, you will adjust your swing tempo and speed to fit the golf club. Here is the key, it's your body to operate and control the golf club instead of golf club controlling you.
With such body and idea preparations, it's not going to get the right result of the testing. Since your golf swing is adjusted to fit the golf club, it will let you play long and consistent if you are not swing your original style. Our body is intelligent and it will adjust the automatically with the tool's profile. That's why you need to try the golf club without knowing the specification.
Allowing your body to swing spontaneously is the best way to know whether or not the golf club is right for you? With my golf club fitting section, I would not let golfers know the profile and specification, I pick up 2 or 3 golf clubs for golfers to try out and check the results. Each golf club will allow to play 5 balls in order to know the true result of the play.
I will check 3 out of 5 ball's results as the consideration for each golf club. If golfer can swing and handle it well without difficulty for the best results, it tells me this golf club is the best fit for the golfer without question. Comparing most of chain workshops provide you tons of golf clubs to try out, it's not systematic and scientific ways to find the right combination.
Picking up the right testing golf club is key and if it's the experienced clubfitter, before the testing section, he will try to know golfer's body condition, swing profile and golf club information. With such information, he is able to know what golf clubs may fit golfers' requirements and work out golfer's swing issues.
Do not check the spec of the golf club before trying out!~Part II