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Costco Kirkland 4層球出糗了!剖析&觀點/Costco issues refund for Kirkland 4pc ball!~下集

Costco Kirkland 4層球出糗了!剖析&觀點/Costco issues refund for Kirkland 4pc ball!

Costco Kirkland 4層球出糗了!剖析&觀點/Costco issues refund for Kirkland 4pc ball !~上集

Costco Kirkland 4層球出糗了!剖析&觀點/Costco issues refund for Kirkland 4pc ball!~中集




其實前一陣子Callaway高階球款也出紕漏。網路媒體mygolfspy就做一個球的專題,把市面上高階球款剖開檢查,結果callaway的球偏心的離譜。受到大家撻伐。後來Callaway高層出面說投資10 millions美元對機器設備升級改善,邀請工坊技師和媒體到他們工廠參觀。說穿根本就是嘴炮耍一下,沒讓Callaway像這次Costco賠一毛出來。


美國目前所有高階urethane球都在美國本土工廠生產。完全沒有投OEM單到亞洲。因為在4、5年前,TM, Bridgestone、Callaway就陸續在美國本土直接設生產基地。那時確實他們也有評估台灣代工廠,但後來沒有下單。所以說白的,台灣和亞洲高爾夫代工廠只能做低階低價的球。而高階urethane球款還是有充足利潤讓大廠可以在美國生產。



Nike withdrew golf equipment in the past and it made related Taiwan factories suffer a lot of loss on investment of golf ball facilities. This factory was good relationship with Nike and OEM Nike's footwear, This factory was investing all the golf ball facility and equipment for manufacturing. My friend also consulted them for productions and recipes, but Nike suddenly called off the project and made this factory sell all the things for loss millions of dollars in the end.

That's the risk for OEM big orders from big name. They will ask for OEM makers to be ready for all the things but the risk is high because there is no guarantee for the orders during the preparation stage. The risk is equal to buying stocks.

If the defeat rate is 5% for Kirkland balls, let's say 100 millions per dozen per year, it's 600,000 balls for defeat balls. That's not a small number and will become big issue for small market's annual ball consumption.

Not far ago, mygolfspy is testing a lot of high end golf balls and cut off the balls to see the inside, Callaway's ball has serious off center issue. Callaway said they will invest the equipment and facilities to make the quality better then invite many clubfitter/clubmaker and online media to visit their golf ball facilities. As a result, there is no penalty for off center issue with Callaway golf balls.

Callaway's high end ball sells over $40 per dozen and compared with Kirkland but the quality is not as good as golfers' expectation. About 5 years ago, most of golf ball brands built the golf ball base and facilities in the USA, since the high end golf ball price and profit are good and no need to outsource to Taiwan and other Asian golf ball makers.

Although during that time, major brands were evaluating the Asian golf ball makers and that made some of Taiwan golf ball makers joined the high end ball market with investing the equipment and facilities. However, the important technology is still in the US without transferring to Asia. That's why current Asian makers have suffered cover and mid layer's crosslinking issue or other technical problems in high end ball production.

I used to analyze one issue or topic with various angles for my readers and you will know something different. It may not be your initial view point but certainly to give you the impact for getting the truth. I can expect sooner of later, it will be busy for Taiwan golf ball makers, since Costco may send the request for them to seek for the golf ball partnership.




