力量多少也是決定你的擊球倒旋多少/Your power is equal to the spin rate!~上集
Regarding the ball trajectory, it's lower trajectory and the best part is the rolling distance is longer and better. Since I do not drive fast and more power on the impact, the ball is able to be released easier after bouncing. If I drive power, it will increase more back spin and side spin since I compress the ball more and harder.
The iron shot is similar situation but I can manage well for the direction. Even though the drop on the green will have more rolling but it's rolling too much compared with previous. I would say the rolling distance for iron shot will be more about 3~5 yards which is acceptable but I gain better on the on the green ratio.
Last month I was playing with a Korean couple and the man was single handicapper. His swing is smooth but with high percentage of accuracy and distance. His distance is the same with me and he is almost 60 years old. That was very impressive! The benefit of his swing is to manage better on the club and body relax.
His swing tempo is smooth or slow but his striking to the sweet spot is so good. That's why he doesn't swing hard but the result is the same as me. That really indicates me that the power and speed are not the core of the swing, the striking quality is all about. I was swinging too hard so it's hard to control my body and golf clubs.
That's the reason why my releasing is not well since my speed is fast, if I can not operate the body weight shifting correctly, the releasing after the impact is not going to be done. Now I slow down my swing tempo and I can better manage my golf club and body shifting. The releasing is not an issue at all with straight ball fly.
You can always learn from good skilled golfers to know how they play? Now my swing should be the best condition ever as I do not pour too much power but I still can eat the ball solid and enjoy the striking better. It's the fun part of the golf. You can't use the same golf clubs, swing and tempo all the time, when you change you can feel all the differences. That makes you alive and great for golf.