為什麼你會打壞/Why do I strike inconsistently?~上集
Before striking the ball, you need to get ready for your mind and body. To focus on the swing from your mind and think the details of the swing operation. Then you can avoid the mistake or failure. Also you need to know where and when is the transformation of the swing power, with that you are able to generate the power on the right approach.
To remember one key is not to rush for the whole thing. With my experience, I was rushing to strike the ball without focusing on the pre shot routine and calm down my mind. It's easy to make the mistake if your mind and body are not ready yet. It sounds easy but to need to connect your mind and body to work correctly.
In order to achieve that, you have to train your body in two different ways. One is building your muscles and the other is body flexibility. Most golfers are focusing on the muscle strongness and fail to establish the flexibility. Golf swing is the consequent and dynamic body moving work that is heavily relying on the balance of the body and the flexibility and balancing are important to have on your swing.
Flexibility is the way to help you control and manage your body power, you are unable to generate 100% of your power during the swing, your body needs to operate the balance in order to maintain the swing. There are more professional golfers focusing on the body balance and flexibility training with yoga. That's the thing to tell you we need to build that as well.
To increase your swing accuracy and consistency needs the right solution for connecting your mind and body. Without it, you will have mistakes and failure easily. I have been building my golf swing and training my body balance and flexility for years, now I go less to driving range to practice, but my swing is maintaining the best ever. That's my experience and hopefully it gives you something to work.